The history of the Domaine
The “Domaine du Bouxhof” is a unique site in Alsace. It is one of the few authentic examples remaining, with its prominent two towered building, surrounded by rows of well-tended vines.
La culture viticole l’encercle de toutes parts et de bonne heure l’homme a repéré cet endroit favorable, pour s’y établir et y a planté de la vigne. Mittelwihr a été baptisé « le Midi de l’Alsace » avec ses Amandiers et ses orchidées sauvages.

The Origins of the Bouxhof
The origins of the Bouxhof date back to Roman times, when a patrician settled there in a villa and cultivated some vines and gardens.
Some old parchments state that the Bouxhof was part of the Pairis Abbey from the 12th century. Both monks and laymen looked after the property under the orders of the Abbey.
A first chapel, then a second, were built by the bishop of Basle in the 15th century, both of which were dedicated to Saint Barbe. The terrible 30 years war, with its disasters and pillaging, interrupted the monks’ wine culture.
Mais le retour de la paix et la vitalité de la « Cour des Buis » (traduction française de Bouxhof) eut le dessus, jusqu’à l’éclatement de la révolution française. Les biens des églises et des couvents furent déclarés bien nationaux et vendus aux enchères.

The Edel era
The Bouxhof became the property of different families. In 1925 the EDEL family era began.
During the Second World War, the Bouxhof was at the centre of the fierce Battle of the “Poche de Colmar”. American troops established their quarters there and the family, who had initially looked after injured soldiers, had to evacuate.
On their return the vines had to be restored to health and the buildings repaired, although at no time was the work in the vineyards or the care for the wines in the cellar abandoned.

French historiacal Monument
A major renovation project commenced in 1990.
The “Domaine du Bouxhof” was included in the Register of French Historical Monuments in 1996, and the last of the 1939-45 war damage was finally made good.